Sunday, August 1, 2010

Arizona Law

So Arizona's SB1070 law was stalled last week. Many people are for this law that allows the following: gives officers the right to ask for proof of immigration status, makes it a crime if you are illegal, and will require everyone to carry some form of proof of immigration status. There are other little things but these are the major areas that were looked at. Aren't there enough criminals that are doing worse things?

As a former immigrant myself I understand the struggles that people go through to make something out of nothing. My parents, sister, and I moved here when I was 3 so I basically grew up here. I've seen with my own two eyes the sacrifices that my parents made for us to have a better future. We didn't come here to live off of the system. My parents worked many jobs and made sure that we went to school in order to have a profession. When the time came we all applied for citizenship together as a family.

Lets remember that this country was captured, fought by, and built by immigrants. To say that one group doesn't deserve to come to this country is ridiculous. Take a minute to look into your own history and you will see that someone in your own family was at one time an immigrant too.

Illegal immigration occurs because America simply makes it too hard for people to come here legally. To ask someone to wait 10 years to be eligible to enter the US while they continue to live in poverty or be persecuted is not reasonable. Another thing is the cost. Yes there is a price tag to pay for any immigration procedure. We had to pay to become citizens after having to wait 14 years living in this country without traveling outside.

For those who say "learn the language" which language would that be? When you go on vacation do they tell you to learn the language if you want service? NO! Why is it people expect that everyone else accommodate to them but that nothing should be expected of them? Learning a new language for an adult is much harder than for a child so please be considerate and NOT ignorant when speaking about someone.

This country is so full of racism as the bottom line that now innocent people that are just trying to survive are being targeted. We must remember that when those officers look at someone they will question the Latino looking person before the blond haired blue eyed person and that is not right. Illegals come in many shades. It's a sad day in America when we no longer are the land of opportunity.


  1. I think people that want to come here should learn AMERICA'S language. Right if I travel and VISIT somewhere I don't have to know but if I LIVE here then yes I should know the language. That's America's problem now, we always letting people in our country, hence 9/ diseases, etc. No one said you couldn't live here, they simply said follow the rules and be legal. And YOU may not be here getting a free right but us tax payers are paying for your healthcare and all kinds of other stuff. If everyone else gotta be here and follow the rules what makes you different. In ending.....if you think America's so "racist" then go home! We didn't force you here you came cuz YOU wanted to be here!

  2. I am home in case you can't read i am a CITIZEN and I pay the same taxes you do so no you aren't paying for my healthcare but if you want I will be happy to send you my medical bills! It doesn't take immigrants to spread disease in this country since Americans are doing it all on their on anyways.
    I believe in giving everyone a chance but it's the selfish greedy people in this country that think just like you that have put us in a recession not the illegals. I don't have to put up with anyones racist BS and I sure as hell am not gonna run away from it so you'll just have to put up with me. If only the gov would come up with a law to deport damn racists like you to Antarctica we would all be better off.
