Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today I'm going to address something disturbing that I heard. Madonna was on the Ellen show speaking out against gay bullying when she likened it to lynching and the holocaust. First of all I am sick of these celebrities opening their mouths and just spewing a ton of diarrhea. This is why these people, the majority of which are uneducated will never be a role model of mine. Lynching is no way anything like bullying. Lynching involved torturing and murdering innocent people simply because of their skin color, something that can't be hidden or denied.

Gay bullying, however, IS indeed like any other bullying. There are overweight kids, "nerdy kids, goth kids, etc... that are being bullied just the same. Not everyone decides to kill him/herself. Some choose to hurt their bullies others decide to defend themselves. Either way these children obviously do not feel that they can turn to anyone either because they don't have enough support at home and at school. I really think parents need to work a little harder at teaching their kids to love themselves and to communicate with them when something is wrong. They also need to teach their kids to stand up for themselves!

Either way celebrities need to shut up and take care of themselves and their own dag on kids because their records of drug and alcohol abuse and divorce rates don't give them much room to talk.

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