Wednesday, August 13, 2014

More furniture transformations.....

ok so here are the other two furniture projects I did. the first was painting a changing table i figured it was small and shouldn't take long and if i could handle that then i would be ok handling bigger projects. well i gotta say the hardest part of all these projects for me was waiting for the paint to dry! lol I was so anxious to see my finished product that at times i would add a coat before that paint dried. the best places to find things are garage sales and CL. both places you can negotiate the price.

The changing table was originally oak and I wanted an espresso brown one. again it was inexpensive through CL. For this project i sanded the table first then primed it with gray spray paint primer then spray painted it Brown. the finish wasn't as smooth as i expected so i used a scrubbing sponge to smooth out the spray paint bumps.

the next project i did was a desk i wanted something more elegant for the dinning room and so i found this all wood desk at a garage sale and got the price reduced to $15! you'd be amazed what people will do to get rid of something. this was truly a gem. even had a locking drawer that the owner wasn't aware of because he didn't know the key was screwed on behind one of the drawers lol. this desk was very heavy and an oak finish. i wanted a two tone finish so that the hardware would stand out. I decided on white and brown. I didn't take a before pick (not sure what i wasn't thinking) so here is a before of a similar desk. 
 I primed the bottom white and the top grey since it would be a dark brown this time i actually found espresso paint. spray paint was used only on the hardware the rest was regular latex paint.

 I lined the drawers with dollar store drawer liner....
 and for the top i wanted a really smooth shiny finish however the espresso paint only came in semi gloss so i originally tried polyurethane but i didn't notice much shine then i decided to use clear lacquer paint. i strongly suggest a well ventilated area and mask because that stuff stinks!!  and presto my new desk! i may get a glass for the top in the future but with 2 boys i may not.
 after the desk was done i had to do something about the oak bookcase i had. I was a small one purchased a long time ago but still did the job. so for this project i just spray painted with the grey primer,  no sanding. i used the same paint as the desk so hand painted after priming it. It was a very plain bookcase i wanted to add a little sophistication to it.

So i added trim to the top and bottom fronts! 

 to tie the bookcase in with the desk i glued some of the drawer liner to the back of the bookcase it actually made it look fancy!

 the finished product looks great to me!
our old corner office area. 
our new office corner. 
and lastly made an office cork board using leftover drawer liner and brown ribbon. lol 

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